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Course Snapshots

See below for: Obedience videos and Therapy dog course videos 

COMING SOON: Assistance dog videos and Trick training videos


Loose Lead Walking - Walking loosely by your side. 

Impulse control- Listening to you in the midst of distractions. 

Recall - Our dogs learn to return to their name whether it's called in a normal voice, excited tone or whisper. They also learn to stay and wait no matter how excited another dog is being called. If it's not their name, they won't move. Recall is the only skill I teach with the use of food. 


The following videos are short individual clips showing snapshots of what this training teaches.

This video was taken on day 2 of the participant's training with me. The dog in the centre with one of my helpers near it, was a reactive dog to other dogs, hence we played it safe and made sure there was someone nearby while their owner left them. I will always endeavour to modify my program according to the various needs in the group. This is why sometimes you'll see dogs doing different activities to the main group. 

Loose lead walking so loose even a child can walk your dog. This little girl had never met Red before, yet Red allowed her to lead her around like she was a fluffy little kitten. I teach loose lead walking the way I teach everything else - through a deepening of trust and relationship. 

Obedience Training 

The obedience you see in the videos to the left are taught in my intensive three day obedience course titled, '3 days and a new dog: Training'.

The same obedience is also included in my five day Therapy Dog course, and my five day Assistance Dog course. 

Check out the brochure of information attached below for a more complete understanding of the obedience taught.

Please visit my Facebook obedience page for thousands more videos: 


Therapy Dog Certification and Training

CLICK HERE: Therapy dog information brochure

My therapy dog training and certification provides obedience training (see the videos above), public exposure, facility visits (i.e. nursing homes, child care settings, hospitals, schools etc), temperament testing, as well as up to date information on the legalities (insurance, duty of care, dog hygiene and health, best practice advice for therapy dog interventions and more) of being a therapy dog team.

Please download the therapy dog information brochure above for more information.

Please visit my Facebook Therapy Dog page for thousands more videos:

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