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Going for a Drive

An Overview

Scroll down this page to see a snapshot of the services I offer and who I am. 

Therapy Dog Training

A five day course that certifies you as a therapy dog handler and your dog as a therapy dog. This certificate enables graduates to find work in paid employment across all states and territories in Australia or in volunteering capacities.

This course includes high level obedience training, temperament testing, placements to public settings - including but not limited to a school, nursing home, cafe, farm and more; and therapy dog theory. Dogs must be 5 months or older, fully vaccinated with their C5 vaccinations, and be not dog or people reactive. Dogs must love receiving affection from strangers. I teach all the obedience required to achieve therapy dog standard, even if your dog has never been to puppy school or a formal obedience class.


Obedience Training

3 Days and a New Dog

This course is a three day intensive high-level-obedience boot-camp. It teaches skills such as loose lead walking, listening to you even in the presence of high level distractions, stopping nuisance barking and jumping, sit-stays and drop-stays for extended durations and in the presence of distraction, impulse control, boundary keeping, off-lead recall, and much more. In order to join, your dog needs to be 5 months old or older, fully vaccinated and non-aggressive toward people and dogs. They do not need to have prior obedience training. 


Puppy School

Socialisation | Education | Tricks | Relationship Building

This course is designed for pups 4.5 months and younger. It runs across 4 Sundays from 2pm-3.30pm. These sessions are cyclical, so you can join whenever your puppy is ready. It involves intentional safe socialisation with other dogs, humans, animals (chooks), and more. It also involves information resourcing providing you with a PDF puppy manual written by me; an online puppy Facebook page where you can continue to receive information and guidance as your pup grows; as well as information presentations during the course on all things puppy.  It further builds your relationship with your puppy by teaching you a variety of tricks, including but not limited to: weave through your legs; tunnel; touch that; and high 5.

Small Terrier

Trick/Action-based Training

I have compiled a do it yourself step by step guide on how to teach your dog how to perform tricks/actions for you. This includes tricks such as spin, weave between your legs etc, but builds into teaching your dog how to complete useful actions such as find my phone/keys, get my drink/food from the fridge, make the bed, turn the lights, make space for me, deep pressure, check in etc. This guide is useful for people who would like to train their assistance dog to help them do identifiable tasks, as well as the common dog owner who would just like a dog that has some pretty nifty party tricks to show off. 

Cost: $100.

Walking with Dogs
Dog Walker at the Park

Assistance Dog Training

Multiple options are available to having your dog assistance trained by me. This course follows the Victorian Legislation for Assistance Dogs. It is recommended you check with your own state before doing my course if you reside outside of Victoria. Check out the attached brochure for more information, and get in touch if you would like to know more. 

New Sister

Baby + Me Bundle

As a Mum who recently graduated from the two under two club, and as a Certificate III Dog trainer with three large dogs inside our home, I have created a series of options to help provide advice, support and guidance to new or existing parents to ensure a smooth transition of our little ones and our furry friends co-existing.  

Pauley Therapy Dog: Sessions

Bringing joy, comfort, encouragement and healing

This opportunity involves Pauley and I entering your local setting- school, church, funeral, library, hospital, nursing home, or other - and spending up to six hours with you. It is a flexible programme in which we are led by you as to what you would like - from playing fetch with kids, helping the elderly with their walking exercises, or just being petted and saying "hi" to whoever needs a smile. Whatever your organisation needs out of a therapy dog on site, we are happy to accommodate. There is a caveat, however. At present, I am thoroughly enjoying staying home with my little one. As a result, the only day Pauley and I are available is Wednesday, and I will only travel up to one hour from Ararat. Alternatively, I do have a team of certified therapy dogs and handlers scattered throughout every state and territory of Australia, and am happy to pass on your details so you can still have an Annie's Dogs therapy dog team in your setting.


“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”

Anatole France

Dog lying in the withered grass

Email Consultations

Designed for dogs who have behaviours their owners wish to stop/modify/change.

Includes: Email correspondence where you complete a form detailing the issue, send a video/photo of the behaviour; and I provide a written assessment, and written feedback to help change/explain the behaviour. Multiple behaviours *may* incur additional charges depending on their uniqueness which will impact the level of time required for me to address them. Likewise, follow up feedback *may* incur additional charges, again depending on the level of time required to provide new advice. 

Dog at the Beach

Face to Face Consultations

Designed for dogs who have behaviours their owners wish to stop/modify/change.

Includes: One visit to your home/place of residence* to assess your dog in its own environment, a verbal assessment of the behaviour shown, and follow up written feedback to help change/explain the behaviour. Multiple behaviours may incur additional charges depending on the level of time required to address them (i.e. their complexity). Follow up feedback *may* incur additional charges depending on the level of time required to provide new advice. Additional face to face visits will incur additional charges. 

*Consultations only available to residences up to 30 minutes from Ararat. Alternatively, video consultations are available, or email consultations - see under email consultations above. 

All About Me

My name is Annie Silva

I'm a dog behaviourist and trainer, certified nationally through the National Dog Training Foundation with a Cert IV in Dog Behaviour and Training; Assistance dog training and Therapy dog training.

Over the years I have worked with thousands of dogs and have continued my learning and understanding of dog behaviour by attending internationally and nationally registered dog training courses throughout Australia, America and Europe.

I am also a qualified primary and high school teacher, chaplain and pastor and have my Masters in community growth and international development.

It is my hope that together we can deepen your relationship with your furry friend, curb any unwanted behaviours, and strive for a world where every dog and owner finds peace, joy and love in one another’s presence.

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Get in touch with Annie's Dogs to learn more about my dog training and therapy dog sessions.


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